Web & Software.


Kliq Mobile.

Kliq Mobile app, a social networks manager. Beta testers collector system and mobile UI development.



Depospan official website. WordPress for blogs, Sinatra and PostgreSQL for the profiles system.



Cinemo web client. Single page app on React and Sinatra.


Sapphire beach.

Internal system used to handle clients, parking spaces and reservations. Ruby, Rack, Puma and PostgreSQL.


Seattle Illustrated.

The alternative independent Seattle magazine. Static content generated with Middleman, served via Nginx.


Gas Jeans.

Gas Jeans micro website. HTM5, CSS3 and Backbone.


Super Sonic Noise.

Super Sonic Noise official website. Music production (Fox, MTV). Static website and music server via Nginx and local player.

Ideas & Copywriting.


Komen Onlus.

Idea, creative direction and copywriting.
"For ninety percent of breast cancer there is a cure that leaves no marks. Prevention."
"Contribute to the fight against breast cancer".



Idea, creative direction and copywriting.
Left: Male - Female
Right: Alive - Dead - Orphan - With HIV
"In the third world millions of women and children still die for causes concerning pregnancy and sexuality. And they are still waiting for help".


Roma Europa Festival.

Idea, creative direction and copywriting.
"Stop dreaming. Live music for real at Roma Europa Festival".

Cerbiatto (Industrial Bakery).

Idea, creative direction and copywriting.
V.O.: "Maybe there are other ways to tell you about our only passion: fresh and genuine croissants. But, in the end, what we like more, is that you'll keep eating them.
Cerbiatto, just made croissants".

DAM (Diego Armando Maradona anniversary event).

Idea, creative direction and copywriting.

Zerinol (Boehringer Ingelheim).

Idea, creative direction and copywriting.
V.O.: "Imagine if you still had flu. When you have fever, pain and cold, fight them with Zerinol. Because every day could be the one".